As mentioned on the filmmaker page, we are at a pivotal point in history. What we decide to do now will result in either a mass raising of consciousness and the healing of the planet, or the path to extinction for humankind. It's that simple. We can be depressed about or become empowered an create massive positive changes now, as we are at the now or never stage. Our dilemma is both environmental and spiritual...we need to reconnect more fully to the universal web of life and act accordingly.
This movement is a call to action. Some of us as filmmakers and media makers are stepping up to the plate to produce films of ALL genres that are entertaining, healing and consciousness raising. What we watch day in and day out influences our behavior, what we find acceptable and how we think. Even sitcoms or what feels like “lite” entertainment has a constructive or destructive influence on us, our children and society. What we consistently watch affects us in mind and spirit, the same as our body is affected by what we consistently eat. It's good to be conscious of what we watch and the programing and films we support. What qualities, what traits and principles are being gloried in the film? Especially children need to be allowed to be children for a while, and have very adult content added to their films, hoping it goes over their head...just to broaden the appeal to sell more tickets. Though it's slim pickings if you look through most of the films produced..if you take the time, there are many wonderful films & books out there we can find with a little looking...There are too many films to put here, but thought I'd put a few random films, in a variety of genres, here on the site for examples...and for children, checkout Common Sense Media (link below) for even more help navigating the waters.
Remember, money talks. Don't support and watch films or TV shows that are destructive. I know that can feel like quite the challenge, as so many are. Seek out good films. They are often more obscure independent films not made by the big studios...or grab a good book instead.
Become pro-active: If there are TV shows where you don't like the way people are treating each other, speak out and write to the studio, especially on the kid's shows. Limit TV time and get outside to connect with nature...nothing is more invigorating and emotionally balancing. Educate yourself. Find out what you can do even beyond recycling to help the planet and grow spiritually. It's important to become informed and the most important information you are not likely to find on mainstream, corporate media.
For birthdays and holidays, give gifts of books or films that raise awareness or other gifts that help the environment in some way, such as a decorative travel mug or reusable lunch boxes...or a tree for the garden. Create a ripple effect! Become part of the positive shift that needs to happen!
Below is a very tiny list of examples of conscious media. As you can see, it can take on many forms and genres.
A Life on Our Planet
Inner World Outer World
For the Next 7 Generations
Dorme (short, family/kids)
Peaceful Warrior
Hidden Figures
It's a Wonderful Life
The Shawshank Redemption
Won't You Be My Neighbor
Somewhere In Time
Lord of the Rings
Field of Dreams
Whale Rider
Children of Heaven (foreign)
Food Evolution
Judas and the Black Messiah
Wise Words in a Time of Change
My Octopus Teacher
Animated Films For Kids
Rudolph-the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Charlie Brown Christmas
Kung Fu Panda 3
The Peanuts Movie
Kubo and the Two Strings
Books For Kids
Dorme: A Magical Dreamland Visit by Sylvia Binsfeld
The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andrea and Guy Parker-Rees
Zero by Kathryn Otoshi
Gabby and Grandma Go Green by Monica Wellington
The Birds Who Flew Beyond Time by Anne Barring
Good Night Fairies by Kathleen Hague
Chapter Books for Kids/Teens
The Wishtree by Katherine Applegate
Charlotte's Web by E.B. White
Malala by Malala Yousafzai
The Seventh Most Important Thing by Shelley Pearsall
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Books for Teens/Young Adults/Adults
A Young People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn
Books For Adults
Living Deeply by Marilyn Schlitz, Ph.D., Cassandra Virten, Ph.D.Tina Anorok, Psy.D.
For someone beginning on the spiritual path. This is a wonderful place to start, with its eclectic wisdom and easy to understand information.
Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth, by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Dream of the Cosmos by Anne Barring
The Dream of the Cosmos is the story of a multi-layered quest to understand the causes of human suffering and to reconnect with a deeper reality than the one we inhabit in this physical dimension of experience. It seeks to answer the questions: "Who are we?" and "Why are we here, on this planet?" A vast and beautiful book.
Soul Power by Anne Barring & Scilla Elworthy (Don't let it's small size fool you. There is so much life-changing wisdom in this little package.)
The Business Plan For Peace: Building a World Without War by Scilla Elworthy
This book is for anyone wanting to stop feeling helpless and overwhelmed about what is going on in the world and instead apply their own personal skills to do something about it.
Speaking with Nature by Sandra Ingerman and Llyn Roberts
Nature and the Earth are conscious. In this wonderful book Sandra and Llyn show us how to access the spirit of nature and share transformative wisdom.
How a Mountain was Made by Greg Sarris
Stories filled with native American wisdom and the magic of life.
An Additional Resource for Children's Media
COMMON SENSE MEDIA. Additionally, a fantastic resource to help navigate family and children's films is Common Sense Media which posts film, book, video game, in an unbiased manner, to help parents make the right choices.
Geena Davis Calls for More Women in Film by Team Elle: Creating the healthy balance of yin and yang the world needs by allowing women and girls the same rights and opportunities to get their voices hear. http://www.elleuk.com/now-trending/geena-davis-calls-for-morewomen-in-film