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My New Greatest is Love Podcast Series

Episode 1: Raising the Divine Feminine in Partnership with the Masculine

I am trying something new. I will interview people on various topics such as bringing the Divine Feminine in partnership with the Sacred Masculine, ecology, saving the planet, and raising our consciousness. I will look for people who are deeply wise and on a higher path to problem-solving, even though I know I won't always agree with every detail of what they share.

Rarely are 2 people 100% in sync about everything. I hope we can become more tolerant of the variations of thought, even when we are on similar paths. It's what makes the world interesting and keeps us thinking and open to new information that can help with our evolution. It never was a problem until a great divide was created in this country, which weakens us as individuals and as citizens. We learn and teach through healthy honest conversations and we always have a choice regarding what resonates and what doesn't. I am excited to get the conversations going.

Looking at my first Podcast, I realize that I will need to set up my shot and light it better on my part; it was an unfortunate situation of running out of time, with what else had transpired leading into this. The interview itself with Anais went beautifully. She is remarkable and has been on her path for 15 years. I hope you tune in and enjoy!


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