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FILMS Helping People to Connect Again

Film can encourage new habits that benefit society. I just came across an article online posted by National Geographic which makes it strikingly clear that we need to be showing people connecting with nature in a positive way more often in our stories! This will encourage the audience to do the same. If we show relatable characters in stories choosing to get out in nature to connect with it and ground themselves, our audience can recognize their own need to do the same. People are far more overwhelmed and stressed than ever before. In our busy, noisy, electronic based society, we sometimes need to be reminded that nature regenerates, balances, and helps us gain perspective on a problem, heal, etc.. It is too easy to become addicted to our electronic devices. Giving the audience this piece of wisdom, would be a powerfully good thing.

The article talks about nature deficit disorder that has become more prevalent. It's creating depression, a feeling of disconnect and lack of joy, in so many people. I know that this is something very real, because getting out into nature recharges my batteries and lifts my spirits like nothing else. So few people take the time to do this. Nature used to be everywhere...a part of life, now in this concrete jungle it's easy to avoid it, and we don't even realize that is what's missing. Depression has become a common thing. Especially for children respectfully, joyfully play in nature is so important for healthy development. Take a moment to read this interesting article, then get outside and then enjoy!

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